Mordru, Sinestro, and Solomon Grundy are just a few of the villains that show up to battle the likes of Captain Marvel, Hawkman, and the Flash. Adam West and Burt Ward return to their roles of Batman and Robin, and Frank Gorshin is back as the Riddler, possibly even crazier than he was on the Batman TV series. The first TV movie on the DVD is The Challenge, in which the Riddler and his cronies in the Legion of Doom attempt to sap the powers of the Justice League of America by tricking them into drinking a foul elixir. The latest in a fantastic line of rare and classic TV and movie productions that are being sold exclusively through, Legends of the Super Heroes is a collection of two made for TV movies from 1979. I’m well versed in the campy ridiculousness of Batman’s adventures in the ’60s, but nothing I saw there prepared me for the full blown and awesome weirdness of the Legends of the Super Heroes DVD that arrived from the Warner Bros. When I was growing up in the ’80s, Adam West and Burt Ward were a staple of my afterschool TV watching via the old Batman reruns a local affiliate network sandwiched between reruns of Gilligan’s Island and Wonder Woman.